iOS Interview - DispatchSemaphore explained

March 18, 20244 min read#swift, #concurrency, #ios, #interview

DispatchSemaphore is an object that controls access to a resource across multiple execution contexts through use of a traditional counting semaphore.

Modifiying shared resources from multiple threads

Given the following setup code

let q1 = DispatchQueue(label: "q1", attributes: .concurrent)
let q2 = DispatchQueue(label: "q2", attributes: .concurrent)

var count = 0

func increment(queue: DispatchQueue) {
    count = count + 1
    print("write count: \(count) in queue: \(queue.label)")

func read(queue: DispatchQueue) {
    print("read count: \(count) in queue: \(queue.label)")

Now we will try to read and write the count variable from multiple threads

func perform(queue: DispatchQueue) {
    increment(queue: queue)
    read(queue: queue)

for _ in 1...5 {
    q1.async {
        perform(queue: q1)
    q2.async {
        perform(queue: q2)

The result you can see in the Xcode console would be

write count: 1 in queue: q1
read count: 1 in queue: q1
write count: 2 in queue: q2
write count: 2 in queue: q2
write count: 2 in queue: q1
read count: 2 in queue: q2
read count: 2 in queue: q2
write count: 2 in queue: q1
read count: 2 in queue: q1
write count: 3 in queue: q1
read count: 3 in queue: q1
read count: 3 in queue: q1
write count: 3 in queue: q2
write count: 4 in queue: q1
read count: 4 in queue: q2
read count: 4 in queue: q1
write count: 3 in queue: q2
read count: 3 in queue: q2
write count: 4 in queue: q2
read count: 4 in queue: q2

We can see that the count variable is concurrently accessed and modified by 2 queues (threads). One queue might modify the value while the other queue will read an old, outdated value. This is an example of a race condition where multiple queues/threads trying to access and modify the same shared resources without synchronisation

DispatchSemaphore to rescue

// Semaphore is created using value 1. Value 0 will block all the threads to access the shared resource. value 1 will allow 1 thread at a time.
let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)

func perform(queue: DispatchQueue) {
    // Increments semaphore count. if the value provided to semaphore equals the semaphore count. semaphore stop any more thread to access the critical section.

    increment(queue: queue)
    read(queue: queue)

    // Decrement semaphore count. Hence threads can again be allowed to access the critical section.

for _ in 1...5 {
    q1.async {
        perform(queue: q1)
    q2.async {
        perform(queue: q2)

The output of the above modified script would be

write count: 1 in queue: q1
read count: 1 in queue: q1
write count: 2 in queue: q2
read count: 2 in queue: q2
write count: 3 in queue: q1
read count: 3 in queue: q1
write count: 4 in queue: q2
read count: 4 in queue: q2
write count: 5 in queue: q1
read count: 5 in queue: q1
write count: 6 in queue: q2
read count: 6 in queue: q2
write count: 7 in queue: q1
read count: 7 in queue: q1
write count: 8 in queue: q2
read count: 8 in queue: q2
write count: 9 in queue: q1
read count: 9 in queue: q1
write count: 10 in queue: q2
read count: 10 in queue: q2

The count is now correctly increased by both queues 1 and 2, each queue will increase the count variable 5 times, so the final output 10 is correctly printed out.

The access from 2 queues q1 and q2 to the shared variable count is now synchronised by the semaphore . At a given time, only one queue can access and modify the count variable. The other queue must wait until the semaphore release the shared resource for accessing.

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